Protected notebooks are targeted at consumers, who by their activities have to work in extreme conditions. For such devices there is a clear field of application - power structures, rapid reaction bodies. In Ukraine, Secure Getac laptops show excellent performance in the oil and gas and geological industries, in industry, construction, medicine, aviation, and the Navy. And this list can be continued.
Each model of Getac is unique in its own way. All laptops are designed to perform various tasks, which affects their design, size and weight. A wide range of features allows you to choose exactly the notebook that will best meet your needs.
To order any model of Getac and install additional options and configurations, you can contact Versiya company by phone: (044) 299-85-05
Contact person - Yurii Ivankov, technical director of VERSIYA company,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
By purchasing a laptop Getac from Versiya you get a full professional advice on the features of its work, as well as warranty and post-warranty service.